WTC News Award

Award of "Excellent News Award of World Transport Conference" in 2018
On the morning of June 16, 2019, the summary meeting of the 2019 World Transport Conference and the awarding ceremony of the 2018 World Transport Conference Excellent News Award were held in Beijing National Convention Center. The meeting summarized the highlights and achievements of the conference, and awarded the "Outstanding News Award of the 2018 World Transport Conference".
Liu Wenjie, secretary-general of the Executive Committee of the World Transport Conference, vice president and secretary-general of China Highway Society, Ju Rongyun, Qiao Yun and Mei Jun, deputy secretary-general of China Highway Society, Liu Chuanlei, executive vice president of China Highway magazine, Zhang Jian, editor in chief, and Wang Tao, vice president and deputy editor in chief, attended the summary meeting.
In the critical period of high-quality development of transportation and building a "transportation power", the World Transportation Conference, co sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Transport and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, provides an important stage for the industry to demonstrate innovation and implement innovation. As an important part of the Congress, the press and publicity work has also made outstanding contributions to the dissemination, guidance and credibility of the Congress.
During the 2018 World Transport Conference, a large number of excellent news works emerged. In order to commend excellence and expand the influence of mutual learning and exchange between domestic and foreign transport, the Executive Committee of the World Transport Conference set up the "Good News Award of the World Transport Conference" in May 2018. After expert review, two first prizes, three second prizes and six third prizes were selected and commended during the 2019 World Transport Conference.
Winners of "Good News Award of 2018 World Transport Conference"
The first prize
1. Opening of 2018 World Transport Conference
CCTV Liu Lulu, Dong Juntong, Li Jun, Ren Bowen
2. The future traffic development may exceed your imagination
Guangming Daily Zhan Yuan
Second award
1. The test speed of the Chinese version of "super high-speed railway" is expected to reach 1500 km/h
Science and Technology Daily Jiao Yang
2. The 2018 World Transport Conference released the "China Green Road Development Report"
China News Network Dong Zichang and Fan Yongwei
3. Smart travel accelerates the release of economic vitality
Economic Daily Guo Jingyuan
Third award
1. How to achieve deep integration of transportation and "eating, drinking, and having fun" services?
Zhao Wenjun, Xinhua News Agency
2. The Second China Africa Transport Cooperation Seminar was held in Beijing
People's Daily Che Bin
3. The 2018 World Transportation Conference, which brings together top experts from around the world, will soon open in Beijing

Wei Yan,
4. Li Xiaopeng: Jointly discuss, build and share to jointly promote the development and progress of transportation
China Communications News Mao Jian, Liu Baoming
5. At the 2018 World Transport Conference, Chinese officials expressed their willingness to cooperate with other countries
Sharing traffic development achievements
International Online Li Lin Mi Xinyi
6. Combined report of 2018 World Transport Conference
China Highway Magazine: Pan Yonghui, Yu Dapeng, Xie Bozhi, Wang Hong, Ren Yanmei, etc